Mumbai, India
2024 Advanced Design Studio
Yale School of Architecture
The project proposes a passively cooled ferry terminal that streamlines the commute along a linear path from the main street to the ferry by extending the existing jetty and introducing a platform roof that can be retrofitted into a range of uses through community-driven design and collaboration.
Designed to be cross-ventilated and cooled by entirely natural means, the roof features white marble tiles that reflect 60% of solar heat, while the remaining 30% is dissipated through an attic space with brick jali facade walls. The ceiling is elevated to 18 feet to further reduce heat gain from human and motorcycle traffic. The narrow width of the building optimize cross ventilation while creating efficient commuter flow at peak hours.
The platform roof serves as a flexible, multi-functional space that could evolves through community-driven collaboration By day, it could serves as a leisure area with cafes, food stalls, and performance spaces, and on special occasions, it could host events like weddings, all with views of the vibrant bay.